Urinary catheters and bags (2025)

Continence Care and Urology

We offer a broad product portfolio in order to meet your patients' needs.

Urinary catheter portfolio

Intermittent catheters

Actreen®catheters for self-catheterization and single use

The Actreen® rangeoffers ready-to-use intermittent catheters for people living with urinary retention.

Female and Pediatric Intermittent Catheters

Actreen® Hi-Lite Cath Nelaton 20 cm Catheter for femaleand pediatric intermittent self catheterization Actreen® Mini Cath 9 cm Short catheter for female intermittent self catheterization Actreen® Glys Set Nelaton 20 cm Female/pediatric self intermittent catheter set Actreen® Mini Set 9 cm Set of short catheter and bag for female intermittent self catheterization

Male Intermittent Catheters

Actreen® Hi-Lite Cath Tiemann 41 cm Catheter with a slightly curved tipfor male intermittent self catheterization Actreen® Hi-Lite Cath Nelaton 41 cm Long catheter for male intermittent self catheterization Actreen® Hi-Lite Set Nelaton 41 cm Set of long catheter and bag for intermittent self catheterization Actreen® Hi-Lite Set Tiemann 41 cm Set of long catheter with slightly curved tip and bag for male intermittent self catheterization

Indwelling catheters

Urimed® Cath foley catheters

The Urimed® Cath indwelling foley catheters for bladder drainage (2-way).

Indwelling Foley Catheters

Urimed® Cath Foley Nelaton 42 cm 100 % silicone indwelling catheter Urimed® Cath Foley Tiemann 42 cm 100 % silicone indwelling catheter

Suprapubic catheters

Cystofix®suprapubic punture sets

Cystofix®isa range of suprapubic catheters. The Cystofix®SG ready-to-use puncture sets are based on the Seldinger technique.

Suprapubic Catheters

Cystofix® Paed Set Ready To Use Cystofix® Paed : Puncture set for suprapubic catheterization. For paediatrics Cystofix® SG set Cystofix® SG set: Puncture set for suprapubic catheterization Cystofix® J Puncture Set Ready To Use Cystofix ®: Puncture set for suprapubic catheterization Cystofix® Balloon Puncture Set Ready To Use Cystofix ®: Puncture set for suprapubic catheterization Cystofix® Exchange Sets Cystofix® Exchange Set : Suprapubic exchange set

Male external catheters

Urimed® Vision catheters

Urimed®Vision male external catheters can offer a solution to male urinary incontinence. The silicone catheters fit all major types of urine collecting bags.

Male External Catheters

Urimed® Vision Ultra Male external self-adhering catheter with long length Urimed® Vision Standard Self-adhering male external catheter with standard length Urimed® Vision Specific Self-adhering male external catheter with standard length

Catheter maintenance portfolio

Catheter maintenance

Uro-Tainer®irrigation solution

Patients with indwelling urinary catheters are at risk of developing complications such as infection and encrustation. In turn complications may lead to blockage and leakage of urine and the patient may require emergency removal of the catheter. Uro-Tainer® irrigation solution can be used to manage encrustation and debris formation.

Urinary Catheter Maintenance

Uro-Tainer® Twin SUBY G Two-chamber bag irrigation solution for urinary catheter maintenance Uro-Tainer® Twin SOLUTIO R Two-chamber bag irrigation solution for urinary catheter maintenance Uro-Tainer® Polihexanide (0.02%) Irrigation solution for urinary cathetermaintenance Uro-Tainer® NaCl 0,9% Irrigation solution for urinary catheter maintenance Uro-Tainer® Suby G Irrigation solution for urinary catheter maintenance Uro-Tainer® Solutio R Irrigation solution for urinary catheter maintenance

Urinary bag portfolio

Urine measurement

Ureofix®500measurement system

Ureofix®500 Classic is a closed urine measurement system dedicated to intensive care and all situations where accurate urine measurement is critical.

Urine Measurement

Ureofix® 500 Classic with bottom outlet bag Urine measurement system for diuresis Ureofix® 500 Classic with closed bag Urine measurement system for diuresis Ureofix® 500 Classic Replacement Bags Replacement bags for U500 Classic

Urine collection and sampling

Ureofix®112 Plus / Urimed®SP range

Both, the closed urine collection systemUreofix®112 Plusand the sterile collection bagsUrimed®SP /SP+are developed for urine collection and needle-free sampling for short and mid term catheterization.

Urine collection

Urimed® urine bags

Our range of adult urine collection bags is composed of leg and bedside/wheelchair bags. Different accessories are available.

Urine collection leg and bedside bags and accessories

Urimed® Bag Plus 500 ml Urine leg bag 500 ml Urimed® Tribag Plus Urine leg bag with three chambers Urimed® Bag Plus 1,5 L Urine leg bag 1,5 L Urimed® Handle Bed or wheel chair fixation Urimed® Fix Fixation for urine leg bags Urimed® Straps Fixation for urine leg bags Urimed® Klett Leg fixation of tubes and catheters

Urine collection

Urimed®B'Bags urine bags

The Urimed®B'Bags range provides a large portfolio of bags with a convincing price-performance ratio for both, hospital and home care use.

Urimed® B'Bags Drainable Bags Drainable urine collection bag

Urine sampling and diuresis management

Urinocol®pediatric urine bags

The Urinocol®range offers urine bags specifically designed for pediatric use, with anatomic shape for boys and girls and premature babies. This range includes closed and drainable urine collection bags for urine sampling and diuresis management.

Urological catheter portfolio

Ureteral stenting


With the Urecath®Stents B. Braun offers sets for ureteral stenting using a classic technique.



With the Nephrofix®range we offer a choice of complete sets for percutaneous Nephrostomy, both with balloon or pigtail tip catheters.

  • Urinary catheterization Urinary catheterization may be a solution for people with urinary disorders, where urine either remains in the bladder or is emptied uncontrollably. We explain here three methods of bladder emptying.
  • Actreen®– less waste, lower costs With Actreen’senvironmental positive performance in terms of packaging and recyclability, this catheter produces less waste: A good choice for the environment and your hospital waste management.
  • Information for people with urinary retention Here are some tips and tricks on how to live a self-determined life
Urinary catheters and bags (2025)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.