1. Irdens Exantus - REEL CANADA
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2. Locarno Film Review: 'My Internship in Canada' - Variety
Aug 12, 2015 · After earning career-high accolades for 'Monsieur Lazhar,' director Philippe Falardeau returns to comedy with this too-polite political satire.
What should have been a razor-sharp political satire, a la “In the Loop,” stars a dopey Canadian MP who couldn’t be farther out of the loop.
3. 'Monsieur Lazhar's'' Philippe Falardeau, Films Distribution Re ...
Jan 30, 2015 · MADRID – Philippe Falardeau, whose Oscar-nominated “Monsieur Lazhar” proved a U.S. sleeper and sold worldwide, is re-teaming with “Lazhar's” ...
MADRID – Philippe Falardeau, whose Oscar-nominated “Monsieur Lazhar” proved a U.S. sleeper and sold worldwide, is re-teaming with “Lazhar’s” sales agent, Paris-based Films Distribution, for his new film, “My Internship in Canada” (“Guibord s’en va-t-en Guerre”). Billed as a laugh-out-loud political satire, and produced by “Lazhar’s” Luc Dery and Kim McCraw for Canada’s Micro_scope, “Internship”... Read more »
4. From Norm to the kids table: 5 things about this year's Canadian Screen ...
Mar 12, 2016 · The Canadian Screen Awards have been positioned as this country's version of the Golden Globes - albeit without quite the same level of ...
The Canadian Screen Awards have been positioned as this country's version of the Golden Globes - albeit without quite the same level of Hollywood glitz and blinding star wattage.
5. Locarno Film Review: 'My Internship in Canada' - Yahoo
... (Irdens Exantus, who serves as the audience's proxy, but undermines the character's reliability by playing him as an overgracious, grinning lackey) arrives ...
In Canada, the power to declare war lies squarely in the hands of the Cabinet. In “Monsieur Lazhar” director Philippe Falardeau’s latest, that responsibility falls to a single Member of Parliament.
6. From Norm to the kids table: 5 things about this year's Canadian ...
... Irdens Exantus of “My Internship in Canada” and Patrick Hivon of “Ville-Marie.” Shailyn Pierre-Dixon, 12, already collected a best supporting actress prize ...
The Canadian Screen Awards have been positioned as this country’s version of the Golden Globes — albeit without quite the same level of Hollywood glitz and blinding star wattage. But the annual...
7. Canada's Top Ten. Closet Monster, Guibord s'en va-t-en guerre |
Jan 1, 2016 · Hi, this is Daniel Garber at the Movies for culturalmining.com and CIUT 89.5 FM. It's New Year's Day, a good time to look back over the past ...
Hi, this is Daniel Garber at the Movies for culturalmining.com and CIUT 89.5 FM. It’s New Year’s Day, a good time to look back over the past year. Canada’s Top Ten — running at th…
8. L'aréna: Where to Watch and Stream Online | Reelgood
Find out where to watch L'aréna online. This comprehensive streaming guide lists all of the streaming services where you can rent, buy, or stream for free.
Find out where to watch L'aréna online. This comprehensive streaming guide lists all of the streaming services where you can rent, buy, or stream for free
9. Haute démolition Distribution - Séries Plus
Au cinéma, Étienne brille également dans le long-métrage de 2017 Avant qu'on explose. Du côté du petit écran, il apparaît notamment dans Entre deux draps et Les ...
Haute démolition, c’est la rencontre fusionnelle entre Raph, un humoriste de la relève dont la carrière ne décolle pas assez vite à son goût, et Laurie, qui n’a jamais osé poursuivre son rêve de devenir autrice en humour. Laurie a toujours manqué de courage; Raph a toujours manqué de contenu. Ils sont un yin et […]
10. Être attrapé par le lasso de Ted ! | La Presse - LaPresse.ca
Mar 13, 2021 · La série Ted Lasso, qui met en vedette l'acteur Jason Sudeikis, a raflé son premier Golden Globe le mois dernier. Visiblement, mononcle Hugo ...
Ça me tentait autant de regarder cette comédie que de subir une séance d’exploration systémique assistée (ESA) avec Jean-Simon dans L’échappée. Son titre, rebutant, n’annonçait absolument rien de captivant. C’est quoi, ça, Ted Lasso ? Un western sportif mettant en vedette un cowboy moustachu un peu épais ? Merci, mais non merci.